Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Rainbow.....

I haven't had a moment to sit down and write since we first came home from Latvia.  I returned to work right away and resumed my position as taxi driver for my children's activities.  My head is still spinning from all of the amazing answers to prayers that God has granted.  It is only right here in this moment that I am realizing the strength that my precious prayer warriors out there have provided for me.  I thank you from the deepest part of my heart for your kindness and support.  Oh how I need prayer as I begin to tackle the task of wife, full time mother...counselor..and teacher.....to four teenagers, and one very active 9 year old little boy.  Oh yeah....and currently full time employed school teacher!  Wow...that exhaust me just writing it!!!  However...I am a blessed daughter of the King.  He knows everything about me.....the good, the bad and at times the ugly!  He knows my disappointments, sorrows, my regrets and the deep desires of my heart.  He has answered a huge prayer for my boys....he paved the road for their safety and gave them a family.  He has given me an opportunity to serve him with an open heart and has lit a fire to love those in great need.  He is holy and magnificent and I know that I will never be the same again. 
    Today....I am praising God for His magnificent provision .  As I sit here and write and think about all that has transpired here in the US and abroad over the last few days......I am more than certain of God's presence in all things.  He brings people together for His glory.  It is through tragedy....that we find the greatest sense of God's presence.  The master of of all beautiful creations has the master plan.  He knows what is behind....ahead and how the story finishes.  Praise God with me for His provision and His amazing love.  How Great is Our God!!!!

I love you my sweet prayer warriors.....please pray for the children on the next hosting program.  I wish that every orphan had the avenue that my sweet David received.  If we all work together we can give each child a chance for a family.  Spread the word....continue to donate.....pray and seek the Lord for families that will open their hearts for these kids.  Tears roll down my cheeks and fill my heart as I remember the moment He captured my heart and directed me on this path.  It took me to my knees and I will never be the same. 


Here are some current pictures of our family......